Easy Household Items to Kill Yourself With

From Redbook

You took the steps to baby-proof your house, and you always make sure to turn off your straightener before leaving for work. But those are the obvious threats. Unfortunately, there are seemingly harmless things all over your home that have the potential to be seriously dangerous. Beware of the following:

Household plants

They make look pretty, but plants are deceptively dangerous if you have children or pets running around the house. Popular varieties like daffodil, iris, lily-of-the-valley, ivy, and even mistletoe are poisonous when consumed, according to the National Capital Poison Center. They contain toxins or dangerous chemicals to protect themselves from insects, animals-and yes, humans. So play it safe and keep 'em out of your home if you've got curious pets or kiddos.

Gas Range

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious risk-it's the leading cause of poisoning death, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and it comes from your gas oven, car, space heater, or charcoal grills being left on too long (or forgetting to turn them off). Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that causes sudden illness or death, and is often detected when it's too late. Play it safe and install a CO monitor in your home so you're alerted if levels are getting dangerously high.

Extension Cords

Not only are they a serious tripping hazard, but these cords also cause over 3,300 residential fires each year, which results in about 50 annual deaths, the CDC reports. They're mostly caused by misuse or overloading the system, so just make sure that you, and your kids, are using them correctly and only on a temporary basis (rather than keeping every space packed at all times).

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Electric Blankets

A report put together by the National Center for Biotechnology information, revealed two incidences in which people died from heat stroke (their bodies reached temperatures of 105.8 and 106.2) because they were using these blankets. Some even say they can lead to cancer and reproductive problems, and while there's no solid scientific evidence to back up the claim, maybe just play it safe and add more layers to the bed when you're feeling chilly.

Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools

It's where you go to zen out and sneak some quiet time from the kids...and it's completely safe because of the chlorine. Right? Uhhh, not so fast. While you may think you have a squeaky clean pool, cryptosporidium-a chlorine-resistant parasite-might be hanging out. A report in Medical News Today found the number in pools and hot tubs is increasing, and there were over a thousand cases of illness, hundreds of hospitalizations, and one death reported just in 2011-2012. Swimmers with diarrhea or a leaking bladder are the usual cause because the parasite lives and multiplies in your gut, according to Slate. It enters the water when you have an, err, bathroom issue, someone else ingests it (all those times you accidentally swallowed water), then they excrete it, and the cycle continues. In other words, if you have any bathroom issues going on, keep everyone safe and stay out of the water.


It's such an easy chore to do-cleaning out the lint filter-but let's be honest: sometimes we let it slide. That's a mistake, as failing to remove lint from the dryer is the leading cause of 2,900 annual dryer fires, which results in 100 injuries and 5 deaths each year, says the U.S. Fire Administration. All the more reason to get back to good habits and clean the lint filter after each load of laundry (or before you start your next one), and remove lint from the vent pipe (the tube at the back of the machine that releases the hot air outside of your home) every three months.


Fashionable-yes. Safe-not always. This closet staple was the reason for two freak accidents, both involving a scarf getting tangled in machinery and resulting in death for the wearers. Sure, you probably don't go-kart at home or have a moving escalator in your house, but the point is that these accessories can get caught in anything that moves, presenting safety issues throughout your home-think blenders, garbage disposals, lawn mowers...you get the idea. Just remove the accessory before using those things to stay safe.


It's not just this cramp reliever, but any medication with acetaminophen (APAP)-Tylenol, Excedrin, Pamprin, Mucinex, Robitussin, Vicks-that can be life-threatening when you consume too much of it. Plenty of people use these medicines safely every day, but there are also approximately 500 deaths related to APAP overdoses each year, according to the Clinical Liver Disease report. Large amounts of APAP can overwhelm the liver and cause liver damage, so to avoid overdosing the researchers say you shouldn't consume more than 3,000 mg per day.


The warning is right there on the label: "Seek immediate medical help if you ingest toothpaste." If you consume too much, the overdose can cause stomach pain and intestinal blockage. But if the toothpaste contains fluoride, as most do these days, it gets far more serious-convulsions, difficulty breathing, and heart attack (amongst other scary side effects), according to Medline Plus. We're not suggesting that you avoid toothpaste (no one wants stinky breath), but make sure you and your children are using the designated pea-sized amount, and thoroughly rinsing with each brush.

Air Conditioners

On a hot summer day, A/C saves the day. But when one is leaking, it's a setup for refrigerant poisoning, which can cause heart palpitations, seizures, and can cut off oxygen to your lungs and cells, ultimately causing death, according to Heathline. It's mostly appliance repairers or installers that are at risk for the poisoning, since they spend all day around these cooling devices, which work by using Freon, a refrigerant substance that transforms from a liquid to an odorless gas (it's responsible for keeping your fridge cool, too). But they have protocols in place to stay safe, so if you notice a leaky A/C, be sure to skip the DIY and call a professional to get it repaired.

Your Flat-Screen TV

You already know your bookcases, dressers, and other heavy pieces of furniture should be anchored to the wall. But did you know your flat screen TV could pose just as much of a risk to toddlers and young children? According to a 2012 study published in the journal Pediatrics, from more than 17,000 kids were taken to the E.R. each year between 1990 to 2011 with television tip-over-related injuries. (To put that in perspective, that's one kid every 30 minutes.) Keep little ones safe by mounting your TV to the wall - most flat-screen TVs come with instructions to help you secure them.


Magnets aren't your standard choking hazard. Terrifyingly, "ingested magnets can stick together and trap and compress portions of the bowel wall between them, potentially leading to perforation, ischemia, sepsis, and bowel obstructions," the American Academy of Pediatrics warns on its website. Keep magnets of any kind away from kids and pets, and keep a close eye on any children's toys that may involve magnets.

Your Christmas Tree

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, emergency workers respond to an average of 210 Christmas tree fires per year. Keep in mind that a fresh Christmas tree - i.e. one that's deep green and has needles that are difficult to pull from the branches and a slightly sticky trunk - is far less likely to catch fire than one that's too dry. Place yours far away from radiators, fireplaces, and other heat sources, and secure it to your ceiling using guy wire - it's practically invisible and recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). If you and your family prefer to go the artificial route, look for one labeled "fire retardant," and never put electric lights on a metallic tree.

Your Snow Blower

Approximately 9,000 people have lost fingers as a result of snowblower injuries since 2003, according to data from the CPSC. While a snowblower may not seem quite as dangerous as, say, your lawn mower, you should still never, ever use your hand to clear a blockage. (Use a stick instead - or, you know, just turn the damn thing off first.)

Your Helmet

Even if you're vigilant about wearing yours, keep in mind that helmets are generally only designed to protect from very specific kinds of impacts. That means a bike helmet may not be the best choice if you're into roller blading or riding horses.

Storage Chests

You already knew refrigerators and freezers could pose a hazard to curious kids (thanks, Punky Brewster!). But storage chests can also result in entrapment and suffocation. Between 1996 and 2014, 34 children died after climbing inside storage chests, the CPSC says.

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Source: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/16-common-household-items-could-164103951.html

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